Sunday, 30 June 2013

Design Project- How technology affect our life


Nowadays development of technology become more advance and it's having a big influence in our society, our life. Parents, friends, foods or anything that around us every day but our people just only focus on the phone, Ipad games, chatting with people, is like a drug but we still like it, and make us forget or ignore anything that happened outside. Some of them are suffer for it, even though is pain but still can't get rid of it, technology are making our society into more machinery, touch screen, advance city, robots all in machine form, even we wish want to turn ourselves into a half robot-man. Oxygen cylinders, inside it are lots advanced technologies, which means nowadays people can't really live longer without those high-techs; it's become part of our life, like oxygen. There is a metaphor that people can died for it, as we know that how many people been died for it, even though people don't want it but still lots of seduction that seducing us, friends, society, needs and others. 

First sketch: 
(Sir, my scanner suddenly can't use so I'm been force to use my phone snap picture first..if possible i will scan it on Monday ASAP)
I want to compare from the old generation and young generation, to show that how technology really affect us, we leave our parents alone in nursing house, we chat with each other even though we are together. This idea was came out when i'm staying with my parents, my younger brother was ignoring my mom and keep playing the I-pad, so this is real thing and still happening in our society.

Second sketch:
That is bridge that people chasing for the technology, and those old stuff was leaving behind. They want to become updated person, living in advanced city, some of them was falling down but still no one giving a helping hand. 

Third sketch:
Technology is making us more progress, we can even reach moon, making a space trip. It's also connected to every where on earth, we can make a cross-border business, face to face chat with friends. So basically this is to show the benefit of how technology affect our life.

Fourth sketch:
The idea was same as the first sketch, left side is modern city, modern people, the right side is advanced city, all the things are in machine form, human also. 

Firth sketch ( final project):
People are suffering for it, those hand are like seduction to seduce us fall into it, even though we need oxygen but still, inside it we already can't live without those high-technologies. 

Project process
step 1

Scan it inside the laptop and click <Image> on the top and change the size, width and height according to what lecturer told us. Actually there was a mask cover in my original sketch, but then I feel like it's no point to show it so at the second process I erase it.

step 2

Copy the sketch layer first then turn the background into purple color, and in the center brush it with pink color, I try to make the background into a bit darkness looks like some scary drawing.

step 3
Then put back the sketch layer on the color layer, as the line that I sketch isn't too obvious so during the color step, I tried back to the sketch layer and make some of the line into more thick and obvious.

step 3

Start coloring it, firstly using brush tool and color on the part I want, then click a box that a bit up on the layers side, there's a box < Normal>, this part can make some change on the part that we color it just now, some effect will appear on it.

step 4
This body I color it first, then go back to the sketch layer and used quick selecting tool to select the body part and paste it on the body color layer, but still not so obvious, so I used the <thresold> key to make it more dark and obvious, the key is on the right down side a small circle with black and grey color, this is use to make some effect on the picture.

step 5
After color it, I tried to make it more 3D and some shadow, so I double click the layer, a box came out then choose drop shadow, this is to make a shadow on the particular part, more 3D looks like. Using <Smudge tool> also to make the part extend a bit the color, pull it on the color and it will extend a bit, we can make it sharper or longer so it will more creative

step 6
Inside the oxygen cylinders I tried to make some real oxygen inside it, double click the layer choose the <Pattern Overlay>, we can choose some of the pattern and it will appear on it to show some effect like mine is bubble, tried to make some real oxygen inside it.

Final work

Artist Statement
Basically, the man in the middle is the main point to show that there are few seduction around him and he's suffer for it, as I said technology nowadays make us can't live without them, so oxygen cylinders is to explain even though we need air but still inside there we wish those stuff can be together with us, even when we died, sarcastic but is real. We can't get rid of technology.

 Albert Einstein said: "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots."

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