Monday, 3 June 2013

Second exercise: Design principles and design elements

Design principles, which mean that a concept, a main theme or stereotypes to lead out the elements, to arrange the structure of elements, and mix it together to become a design, an art.
 It also could affects the art performance, or maybe bring out some message through the art.
There are some principles that I get it from website and I will explain some of it.

-Center of interest: an area that might be straight away attract people attention. It is the most important part, by using some contrast color or the place it express itself.
-Balance: feeling of what we see on the art, shapes, colors, values, forms, which can be used to present, also it could be evenly balanced and also un-evenly balanced.
-Contrast: It used to create an area of emphasis, it shows the differences between each shapes or color as well, also to lead out the main object.
Harmony, direction movement, rhythm, these are also including in design principles.

Design elements, we can say that the things to build up a painting, an art. It is just like tools, line, color, texture, shape, form, value and size, these seven elements are the most popular or the most important tools that can never forget to design.

-Line: It can create texture, to describe the outline or a shape, it can be like thin or thick lines, actual, vertical or horizontal and contour lines.
-Color: Have three properties (Chroma, intensity and value) , color also can be refer to the hues.
The most popular thing about that is color wheel, to show how the color works compare to others or it will become when you mix it, also to show a contrast between them.
-Texture: To show the roughness or smoothness in objects, it can be real or even implied by using different medium.
-Shape: Two dimensional line but no any form or thickness, is flat, in two categories (geometric and organic)
-Form: Three dimensional object, have volume and thickness. It also can be say that a 3-D effect by using light and shading techniques, it can be viewed from different angle.
-Value: Contrast normally is the extreme changes in values, normally white and black two color will be using, also refer to light and dark in a design.
-Size: Objects, lines or shapes’ variations in the proportions. It is also simply the relationship of the area occupied by one shape to that of another.

In the conclusion, design principles can be said that what we can do to the design elements, but design elements are to create the design principles, so this two options must be there while doing design...they can't just separate.

These are the website/ references that I search and get the meaning from there:

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